Business Pricing Options / Rates
Would you like to hire Katherine Knapik to design graphics for your business, illustrations for your children's book, storyboards for your short film, or other bulk illustration projects? Or would you be interested in carrying K Knapik Art products in your store? Would you like to use Katherine Knapik's pattern designs on products you manufacture?
This is the page where you can find pricing and information about all of these types of business arrangements!
Designs Just For You
Exclusive commercial License
Bulk Illustrations
Book Illustrations, Calendar Illustrations, Any Project of 5 - 20 illustrations or pages
$210 per image
$210 per image, plus additional licensing fee for entire project.
Standard license - first printing rights up to 200 copies or 1 year.
Bulk Illustrations
Book Illustrations, Calendar Illustrations, Any Project of 21+ illustrations or pages
$140 per image
$140 per image, plus additional licensing fee for entire project.
Standard license - first printing rights up to 200 copies or 1 year.
Graphic Design
Logo design, surface design for use in marketing or packaging material
$50/hr (4 hour minimum)
Minimum $200, plus additional licensing fee for entire project.
License includes unlimited media usage for 1 year.
Exclusive commercial license of surface designs for stationary or textile use
rate varies per project
License of one of Katherine Knapik's existing surface designs. License agreement may be made for a number of products; it may also be made to include an upfront fee and royalties.
Wholesale and More
Non-exclusive License
Any products available in K Knapik Art online store, or any non-exclusive collaboration
rate varies per project
You are purchasing products from Katherine Knapik at a discounted rate. You may mark up these products to a higher retail price point than the artist sells them for, but you may not sell the products for less than the artist's retail price. You do not own an exclusive license to distribute any wholesale product unless a written agreement is agreed upon upfront.
Any products available in K Knapik Art online store, or any non-exclusive collaboration
rate varies per project
You are paying for all manufacturing costs associated with the creation of your product, but do not owe Katherine Knapik any money up front to compensate her for her labor. Instead, you will pay the artist an agreed upon percentage of your revenue when selling a product featuring her artwork. The artist retains her right to use her artwork for all commercial purposes, including to feature on other products outside of your own, and to license to other parties at any time.
Any products available in K Knapik Art online store, or any non-exclusive collaboration
rate varies per project
You are working with Katherine Knapik to create a joint product featuring both your business's merchandise and Katherine Knapik's artwork and/or designs. Collaborative projects will result in profits split in an agreed upon percentage or dollar amount between both parties, and will be marketed by and sold by both parties.
Non-exclusive commercial license of surface designs for stationary or textile use
rate varies per project
License of one of Katherine Knapik's existing surface designs. License agreement may be made for a number of products; it may also be made to include an upfront fee and royalties.
Legal Notice
One-of-a-kind Commissioned Illustrations
Payment is due at your convenience, but note that progress will not begin on the final work until this invoice is paid and reference image(s) is/are sent to the artist. Additional fees of 50% the base commission price will be applied for expedited completion of one week, and 100% of the base price for forty-eight hours.
Usage rights can be purchased at an additional fee of 100% of base commission price for unlimited use in all media for one year.
Events, Private Instruction, & Graphic Design
Payment is due upon receipt.
Terms for Projects Billed Hourly
Scope of Work: The Client will provide the Designer with the following information for every new project: file type, dimensions and resolution, deadline date (at earliest knowledge of the client), dimensions of bleed (if applicable), whether the final file must contain cut/crop/trim marks (if applicable), access to any assets and content for use in the project, as well as any other information necessary for the completion of the project. The Designer will not perform any work that requires coding in HTML, CSS, Javascript, Python, or any other language currently in existence or yet to be created. The Designer will not be responsible for troubleshooting technical difficulties that occur from unsupported file types or incompatibility between graphic elements and marketing channels (email, social media, printing companies, etc). The Designer will do her best to cooperate with reasonable requests for reformatting of designs for better integration with marketing channels.
Payment: Payments will be made on a weekly basis based on the reported number of hours worked. Payments will be made via Zelle or Direct Deposit to the Designer.
Billing and Time Keeping: The Designer will record the time she spends on each project for the client, as well as any time spent on calls with client(s); record of these hours may be obtained by client upon request. The Designer will count hours in full-hour increments; any partial hours will be rounded to the next hour. Email interactions will not be billed.
Work hours for the Designer: The Designer will not work Sundays, April 5th, May 23rd, December 7th, 24th, 25th, and Federal holidays.
Default in Payment: The Client shall assume responsibility for all collection of legal fees necessitated by default in payment.
Expenses: The Client shall reimburse the Designer for all expenses arising from this assignment, including the payment of any sales taxes due on this assignment.
Cancellation: In the event of cancellation of this assignment, ownership of all copyrights and the original artwork shall be retained by the Designer, and a cancellation fee for work completed, based on the contract price and expenses already incurred, shall be paid by the Client.
Copyright Info
In all business arrangements, the client is licensing the intellectual property of Katherine Knapik Riveral. The client has no legal claim to any of Katherine Knapik Riveral's illustrations or designs, even illustrations where the client gave input on the direction of the project. The right to all visual artwork created by Katherine K Riveral belongs to her solely, including distribution rights (United States Code, Title 17, Chapter 1, Sections 102 & 106). It is not classified as Work For Hire (Chapter 2, Section 201) as a freelancer is not your employee, and rights to copyrighted works are not transferred to clients of freelance artists unless an explicit Work Made For Hire contract is signed by both parties. The artist will never sign a Work Made for Hire contract for freelance work. In the event of the artist's death, copyrights are transferred to her family.
Client does not have the right to copy, reproduce, or distribute the commissioned illustration for profit or otherwise unless agreed upon beforehand.